The Mission Statement


International Write Now’s primary mission is to expand the attention span of each student we are commissioned to serve and teach.  We are committed to nurturing the seeds of brilliance waiting to blossom into beautiful words, but buried beneath the fingertips of reluctant pupils.  Our passion is to provide paper platforms and fun forums for young writers to discover creative ways of seeing and saying things in their own unique voice.  Each student, as well as the adults who care for them, should consider themselves as valuable contributors to the local community and to the global village.  We strive to empower them to achieve this goal by igniting the flame that electrifies and demystifies the writing process.

The central mission of Cork’s Coast-to-Coast Classroom is to serve as a reliable conduit for the constant stream of wisdom and energy that pours from the poetry and prose of students of all ages.  The center core of International Write Now’s mission is to make students aware of the magic of mastering the art of dipping their pens and immersing their minds in the deep well and refreshing depths of the writing process.   Our reward is to considered as key contributors to those who have evolved into effective and skilled communicators.

Our ultimate mission is to provide a place of solace for the continuous celebration of critical thinking skills. Our joy is to sprinkle breadcrumbs of encouragement and points of light on the path of young scholars to help them find their way back home to their own authentic perspectives and their magical imaginations. When students are inspired and teachers are fulfilled because of words, products, or effervescent enthusiasm for writing that International Write Now, Inc. has provided, it creates a cause for us to pause and sigh in total satisfaction the winning phrase, “Mission Accomplished.”